Agricultural Implements - Alva J. Smith, George S. Hudson, E.H. Hudson
Blacksmiths - Freeman Richardson, Levi Hyde & Henry Cronkite, Frances Ramsdell
Boat Builders - William & Peter Gilbert
Boot & Shoe Shops - David Armstrong, Jedediah Bonney
Butchers - Isaac W. Decker
Carpenters - Daniel Rury, Eli Nash, Charles Hill, Othneil Williams, Jeremiah Lewis
Carriagemakers - A.B. McDonald
Cheese Factories - Milvern Stearns, James Rogers
Clergyman - Elisha Wheeler, MY
Coal Dealer - Joseph Ward
Constable - John Rury
Cooper - John Rury
Customs Collector - Frank M. Noble
Dressmaker - Emma Stearns
General Merchants - Hall & Searles (Alsom Hall & Wm. A. Searles), Frank E. Metcalf,
Hopkinson & Waite (George M. Hopkinson & F. Austin Waite)
Gristmills - George W. & Henry D. Millard, Reuben Salisbury
Gunsmith - Lyman Chamberlain
Harnessmaker - William Albro, Albert A. Ackley
Hotel - Empire House (Russell Wood)
Insurance Agent - Horace M. Wilds
Iron Foundry - Loren D. Palmer & Ithamer Beebe
Justice of the Peace - Horace M. Wilds
Lumber Dealers - B.F. & H.M. Wilds
Livery Stables - Russell Wood, Henry Pool
Masons - Samuel Cole, Levi Goodenough
Millinery - Mrs. David Armstrong, Emily A. Bullock
Physician - A.S. Thompson
Planing Mill - George S. Hudson
Plaster MIll - B.F. & H.M. Wilds
Produce Dealer - Horace M. Wilds
Postmaster - Frank E. Metcalf
Saloon - Charles M. Snow
Sawmills - B.F. & H.M. Wilds
Tailors - Edward Tomkins, Theron Holley
Tinsmith - Philip & Alfred Millard
Undertaker - George S. Hudson
Woolen Mill - Benjamin F. & Horace M. Wilds
Copyright 2003 by the Historical Association of South Jefferson. All rights reserved.