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Historical Association of South Jefferson

Town of Adams

Village of Adams

Adams Center

Patrick Cemetery

The Rice Companies

   The town of Adams is one of the towns south of the Black River formerly known as the Black River Tract, and was originally known as Aleppo. Benjamin Wright surveyed the boundaries of the town in 1796. Adams was divided into 56 great lots varying from 240 to 676 acres, for a total 26,505 acres. It measures six miles east to west and nearly seven miles north to south and the north branch of Sandy Creek passes through the town.

     The town of Adams was set off from Mexico on April 1, 1802 and originally included what is today the towns of Adams and Rodman. Rodman was set off as a separate town on March 24, 1804. No settlement was made here until April 16, 1800 when Nicholas Salisbury and his family, with goods and two hired hands, Solomon Smith and son, arrived in Adams by oxen and sled. Mr. Salisbury settled one mile west of the present village of Adams. 

     The town of Adams is bordered on the north by the town of Watertown, on the east by the towns of Rodman and Lorraine, on the south by Ellisburg and on the west by Henderson and Hounsfield.

The following men purchased land in the town of Adams in 1799:
Elihu Phillips, Nicholas Salisbury, Enon Salisbury, D'Estaing Salisbury, Alexander Salisbury, Stephen Shippey, Solomon Smith, David Smith, Daniel Comstock, Abram Ripley, Jonathan Cable, Eliphalet Edmonds, Alexander Dewey, George Cooper, Jehoida Page, Solomon Truman, John W. Smith, Francis McKee, Robert Myrick, Squire Read, Daniel Fox, Zaccheus Walsworth.
In 1800 land was sold to:
Josiah Godfrey, Jenks Seaman, Simeon Forbes, Ebenezer Lazell, David Grommons, Stephen Grommons, Isaac Baker, Samuel Fox, George Houseman, Peter Doxtater, Paul Stickney, Elias Avery, James McCumber, Russell Smith, Ebenezer Brown, Amos Claflin, Joshua Comstock, Matthew Wilkie, Consider Law.

Land Purchases 1801-1804:
1801 - Abijah Miller, John Freeman, Josiah Godfrey, Daniel Talcott, Hezekiah Tiffany, Joseph Cook, Phineas Rose, Robert Robbins, Solomon Robbins, Asher Robbins, Simeon Meacham, Timothy Pond, Barnabas Wellman, William Thomas, Abel Hart, Henry Walrod, Chauncey Mills and Roswell Mills.
1802 - Nathan Loveland, Cornelius Hinds, Sylvanus Daggart, Abel Loveland, Roswell Taylor, Roswell Coe, John richards, David Higgens, Aaron Farr, John Toll, John Scott, James Streeter, John Kudder and Joseph Landon.
1803 - Truman Bunce, Theodore Bunce, John Jones, John Wentworth, Sylvanus Barney, James Randolph, D.G.M. Gaylord, James Henderson, Thomas James, Absalom Price and David Gardner.
1804 - John Taylor, Eliphalet Adams, Abel Myrick, Darius Markham, John Dickinson, John Weaver and Aaron Webster.

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