Revolutionary War Veterans buried in the Village of Adams
Rural Cemetery, Adams -
Abiel Carpenter (6/20/1750 - 1840)
John Carpenter (2/2/1739 - 1/12/1805)
Peter Doxtater (12/25/1750 - 12/1/1842)
John Mandeville (10/11/1753 - 4/17/1827)
John Merriman (1/17/1756 - 12/14/1843)
Jabez Moore (dates unk.)
Ammiel Penny (7/18/1743-2/16/1816)
Preserved Redway (7/14/1764 - 4/25/1837)
Edward Salisbury (9/6/1733 - 3/29/1829)
Jacob Weaver (3/7/1760 - 3/9/1852)
Carmi Wright (1853 - 7/3/1833)
Moses Wright (1750 - 7/5/1830)
Westwood Wright (4/20/1757 - 4/9/1826)
Elmwood Cemetery, Adams -
Jonathan Lamson (2/20/1755 - 12/6/1807)
Alpheus Dwight (4/7/1870 - 9/7/1845)
Adams, NY - A Brief Description of the Village - The Hungerford Collegiate Institute - The Faculty
of the School - Mr. White's Stables, His Fast Horses, &c. - The Jefferson County Journal - Hotels, Business and Leading
Business Men. (From the Jefferson County Journal - 8/12/1874)
Adams is one of the liveliest and most pleasant villages in Northern New York. It has a
population of two thousand, and is having a steady healthy growth.
The Main Street Adams
is a beautiful street. It is wide and clean and on either side are a number of large and fine brick blocks.
Nearly all branches of trade are represented here.
There are in Adams four dry goods stores, ten grocery stores, three watch and jewelry stores, five
shoe stores, one cabinet shop, one book store, two harness shops, one grist mill, two tanneries, one malt house, two wagon
shops, three livery stables, two hardware stores, two millinery stores, one barber shop, three clothing stores, two daguerrean
galleries, one sash and blind factory, and one large boarding house.
There are four Christian churches here - the Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopal. There
is one public hall - the 'Saunders Hall'.
The Country.
There is a very good farming country lying all around Adams village, and it is mostly devoted to dairy
Sandy Creek,
which is nearly as large as many streams called rivers, passes through the village. This creek constitutes
a fine water power. There are a number of mills and manufacturing institutions on this stream and room and power for many
The Hungerford Collegiate Institute
is a very important institution of learning established here. This school was founded in 1864, and was eminently
successful until the buildings were destroyed by fire in the winter of 1867, but another building, of magnificent appearance
has been erected on a new site, and the school is at present in a prosperous condition. The buildings are not only large and
fine, but the site upon which they stand is one of unsurpassed beauty. These buildings are located near the centre of the
village, and are on an eminence and surrounded by most pleasant grounds shaded with trees. The liberality and enterprise of
the people here in the cause of education is exhibited, in the fact that over $50,000. has been raised by voluntary subscription
for building and fitting up this institute. The new building is built of brick, and its size is 129 by 97 feet and four stories
high, and from the building you have a fine view of the whole village which surrounds the institute. The building is filled
up with all the modern improvements and is heated by steam and lighted with gas. They have a boarding department where the
teachers and students all board together. This is an admirable place for parents to send their children to school. It
is a healthy quiet locality, free from the vices of city life. There are very good people in this country.
The Faculty -
Albert B. Watkins, A.M., Principal, teacher of metaphysics and higher mathematics.
Orlo B. Rhodes, A.M., Vice-Principal, teacher of Greek and Latin.
R.S. Bosworth, A.M. teacher of natural sciences.
Prof. HH. Taylor, teacher of the commercial department and penmanship.
Prof. Herm Hayden, instrumental music.
Charles D. Larkins, telegraphing.
Mrs. H.N. Butterworth, preceptress.
Mrs. L.B. Woodward, English Department.
Mrs. A.B. Watkins, Spanish and English.
Miss E.M. Chatfield, oil painting and drawing.
Miss Hannah Bacon, elocution.
Officers of the Institute.
General S.D. Hungerford, president; Hon. Wm. A. Gilbert, vice-president; A.W. Ingraham, secretary; Hart Grenell,
Rufus P. White's Stables
is one of the most attractive institutions of this village. Mr. White has got the best horse barn in the State,
and probably as good a one as can be found anywhere. He has at the present time seventy of the best of horses. His business
is the breeding of trotting and running horses. He has nearly every family or breed of horses represented here. Here you find
the Rysdeck, Hambitonian, Ethan Allen, Patchen and thoroughbreds, and a number of others the names of which I do not remember.
He has one six years old, known as "Buzz," with a record made a year since of 2:28 1/2. He has a horse "Continental"
that took the first prize at a late State fair as the best horse "for all purposes," where there were eighty competitors.
He exhibited to me as fine a stallion as I ever saw, which he claims is the best in the State, and can trot two miles in five
minutes before a wagon. He has "George Clark," one-half thoroughbred, four years old, that can make 2:40 time. He has a colt
"Rough," two years old, that can make a quarter mile in forty seconds, besides many other fast horses.
The Barn
is 152x92 feet and built in as fine style as many dwelling houses. The buildings are kept warm by steam pipes
in cold weather, and the food for horses is cooked by steam. I noticed that he has ascertained that liberty is best for horses
as well as for men. No horse is tied, but each has a large, square stable in which to walk around, stand or lay down, and
each stable is ventilated by a large window. These stables are kept cleaner than many bedrooms are, and much better ventilated
and the occupants are kept as clean and sleek as are the most fastidious ladies and gentlemen of the human species. There
is a fine park in front of the barn known as "Maple Grove," and Mr. White will soon place a fine fountain in the centre of
this park. He has a half mile trotting course of his own where his fast horses are exercised daily. This is a very interesting
place to visit.
The Jefferson County Journal
If there is anything of which the people of Adams have reason to be proud, it is their village
paper. There is but one weekly in Northern New York that has so large a circulation as has the Jefferson County Journal. It
is a quarto sheet, gotten up in the best style and edited with rare ability. The paper has a large circulation outside of
its own town and county. The Journal is edited and published by Messrs, Hatch & Allen.
There are two here and both so good that I can make no distinction. I can assure any one that
at which ever they stop, they will be well cared for.
Business and Businessmen.
Mr. J.E. Cook provides groceries and provisions for the good people of Adams who call for them at his
large, pleasant grocery store, opposite the Cooper house.
The Hungerford National Bank
is one of the firm and popular moneyed institutions of Northern New York. S.D. Hungerford is president, G.W.
Bond, cashier, and R.H. Huntington, teller. It has a paid up capital of $125,000. The principal life and fire insurance office
of Adams is located in this bank.
Dr. M.D. Manville is the popular dentist of Adams and vicinity. The doctor has very pleasant
rooms on the corner of Main and Church Streets, and has the reputation of being a good workman. I learned he was doing a good
business here.
Mr. R.F. Steele is the man who keeps the pleasant watch and jewelry store on the corner of Main
and Church Streets. Here he keeps a splendid variety of watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware, and everything in his line
of trade. Mr. Steele is a polite, agreeable business man.
Messrs. H.J. & C.M. Brimmer's large store is where all the fashionable young men of Adams
and vicinity go to get their "nobby" suits, hats and caps, and anything else they may need in the line of gentlemen's furnishing
goods. If they can't get pleased here, there is no use going further.
Messrs. John Waite & Co. announce that they will sell anything in the line of stoves, hardware,
tin and copperware, and agricultural implements as cheap as any other store in the country. And judging by the way the farmers
all rush for their store when they come to town, I think they mean what they say.
Messrs. Withington & Kneeland are the proprietors of a large and pleasant drug store on Main
Street, where they keep everything in the line of that trade. Here is the place to get drugs and medicines, glass, paints
and notions, and they have the best soda fountain in the village.
Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment.
Mr. N.L. Burdick is the enterprising proprietor of this establishment. Here he employs some ten
or a dozen hands, and turns out weekly some $300. worth of boots and shoes. He also does custom work and sells leather and
findings. Mr. Burdick is an honorable, straight forward business man, whose word can be trusted.
The Bank of Adams
is a private banking house, of which Messrs. W.A. Gilbert and E.D. Babcock are the proprietors. The bank is
centrally located, and these persons are substantial business men, who are doing a very respectable and profitable financial
business. It is a sound institution.
Mr. S.P. Armsbury is the photographer here, who has just procured a patent known as "Armsbury's
improved back ground," which he claims will make a revolution in picture taking. He can take a picture without taking the
Messrs. Bond and Stevens have a large, pleasant store on Main Street, well filled with the best
variety of plain and fancy dry goods. The store is a favorite place of resort for the people of the village and vicinity,
who are the best judges of goods. This mercantile firm has been established here for over thirty years.
Messrs. Ripley & Sparks are the boys who furnish the good people of Adams with everything
in the line of meats. This market can not be beat.
Mr. H.H. Hose is the polite and agreeable gentleman who is taking those fine photographs at his
gallery in the centre of the town. He can make you a good picture I can assure you.
Mr. Daniel McDougal has as pleasant a barber shop as can be found in any country village, and
better than a great many in our large cities. This is a pleasant place to get shaved.
Mr. G.S. Dodge will never dodge the responsibility he owes his large class of respectable customers
in providing them with the best groceries and provisions to be found in the market. He keeps a "tiptop" grocery store, and
makes a speciality of fresh and pure teas. He also keeps a large variety of crockery ware constantly on hand.
Dr. S. Buckley, M.D., who for the last fifteen years has maintained the first rank among druggists
of Jefferson County is determined to keep up the well established favorable reputation of his store. He has recently taken
as a partner, Mr. Frank M. Howard, his son-in-law, from the west, an energetic young man of experience in the drug trade,
who is to remain permanently with the Doctor. This young man brings with him high recommendations from the town he left.
The Adams Planing Mill.
This is one of the manufacturing establishments of Adams that is doing a good business. Mr. W.H.
Wheeler is the proprietor. He does all kinds of planing by machinery, and is also an extensive lumber dealer. Mr. Wheeler
is considerable architect. He has the charge of a number of large buildings that have been erected here, and those who know
say he will rank in knowledge with many of far more pretentious.
Messrs. Chandler & Lamson are the energetic business men of Adams who have charge of that
large, well filled boot and shoe store on Main Street, where you will always see such crowds of people coming in and going
out. I suspect the reason is they can get the best of work at "bottom prices."
The Adams Carriage Manufacturing Establishment.
Mr. E.T. Littlefield is the man who runs this institution. This is the best institution of the
kind in the village, and the one that the leading "horse men" and farmers of the county patronize. You can get the best carriage
and wagon here or custom work done in "short notice."
Mr. S.A. Barney is the popular watch and jewelry merchant of Adams. He has the longest experience
at the bench of any man in the county. He has the best of goods in his line, and here is where people go to get their watch
plated and replated in gold and silver, and their watches, jewelry, spectacles and clocks neatly repaired. He makes the repairing
of complicated watches a speciality.
Adams Business Firms in 1882:
On Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad, Population 1,250; Telephone, American Express,
Watertown - 13 miles.
Allen, W.J., Printer & Publisher (Jefferson County Journal)
Andrus, C.H., Livery
Arms & Hungerford, Dry Goods and Clothes
Armsbury, Stiles P., Photographer
Barney, S.A., Jeweler
Bond, Samuel N., Dry Goods
Brown, James O., Groceries & Crockery
Brown, James S. & Son, Furniture & Undertakers
Bullock, Miss Lucy J., Millinery
Carpenter, George L., Painter
Chandler & Lamson, Boots & Shoes
Cleveland, Artie B., Wholesale Seeds
Coit, James E., Groceries
Cook, James E., Groceries
Dixon, William, Gunsmith
Doud, J., Shoemaker
Dwight & Eddy, Books, etc.
Fish, Lester & Lewis G., Blacksmiths
Fox, Henry E., Drugs & Groceries
Fox, Miletus H., Carriagemaker
Frasier, George, Miller
Freeman, J.M., Carriage Factory
Gardner, Rufus D., Sewing Machines and Music
Gilbert, John H., Clothes
Gilman, A.W., Flour, Feed, etc.
Gilman, Martin D., Sewing Machines and Music
Horth, G.W., Boots & Shoes
Hodge, M.L., Harness
Horth, Mrs. G.W., 5 Cent Store
Huestus, W.D., Blacksmith
Hungerford's Bank, Solon D. Hungerford, President
Hungerford & Wardwell, Wholesale Seeds
Huson, Arthur B., Hotel
Ingraham, A.W., Produce
Ingraham, Bertram, Drugs, etc.
Ingraham & Whitford, Cheese Mfrs.
Johnson, Adelaide, Photographer
Johnson, William M., Hardware
Kellogg, A. & S., Malsters
King, William & Son, Hardware
Kirkland, R., Dentist
Landon, Luftus J., Blacksmith
Lewis, John S., Tanner & Currier
Lewis Bros., Staves & Cheese Boxes
Lockwood & Huson, Livery
Lovelee & Kilby, Clothing
McNeil, Helen, Millinery & Dressmaking
Manville, Marquis D., Dentist
Maxon, T.V., Seed Grower
Phillips & Marriott, Carriage Makers
Pitcher, Seymour H., Grain & Flour
Potter, J.H., Boot & Shoe Maker
Puffer & Shepard, Bakers & Restaurant
Ripley, Loren, Harnessmaker
Ripley, Orrin, Butcher
Ripley, Rufus & Son, Hats, Caps, Bppts & Shoes
Saunders, Thomas P., Foundry
Smith, David, Hay
Snow, C.W., Billiards
Spicer, E.D., Soap & Candle Factory
Stone, Cyrus K., Flour & Feed
Taylor, D.E., General Store
Thompson, Isham, Wagonmaker
Thompson & Little, Stoves & Hardware
Totman, C.M., Livery
VanWormer, Rufus, Blacksmith
Wagner, A.F., Groceries & Saloon
Waite, W.A., Malster
Wardwell, N.M., Malster
Weaver, J.F. & Co., Tanners & Curriers
Webb, F.C., Furniture
Wheeler, W.H., Carpenter & Builder
White, D.W., Carriage Painter
White, F.P., Tobacco, etc.
Williams & Boomer, Jewelers
Withington, W.H., Drugs & Groceries
York, P.E., Boots & Shoes
Village Presidents - Mayors
From 1852-1928 The chief executive officer of the Village of Adams was the Village President.
Beginning in 1929 he was the Mayor.
Village Presidents:
1886 - N. Wardwell
1887 - 1890 - James Cleveland
1891 - William D. Arms
1892 - 1894 - Thomas Saunders
1895 - 1896 - Frank S. Kenyon
1897 - Arthur Huson
1898 - 1899 - Fred Webster
1900 - Daniel Fish
1901 - 1902 - C.W. Williams
1903 - 1904 - George Hannahs
1905 - 1906 - Eli J. Seeber
1907 - Horace H. Norton
1908 - 1909 - Arthur L. Rice
1910 - O.D. Greene
1911 - Willliam J. Allen
1912 - R.A. Clark
1913 - Alfred Goss
1914 - 1917 - Floyd Overton
1918 - 1919 - Frank Redfield
1920 - Fred A. Tice
1921 - Clarence A. Whittier
1922 - B. Williams
1923 - M. Maxwell
1924 - Kent Rice
1925 - 1928 - Clarence A. Whittier
Village Mayors:
1929 - 1930 - Clarence A. Whittier
1931 - 1948 - Wm. O. Walton
1949 - 1952 - Avon E. Greenley
1953 - 1954 - Isadore Belloff
1955 - 1956 - A. Clark
1957 - 1968 - G. Elliott
1969 - 1980 - Roy Simpson
1981 - 1985 - Stanton Hamilton
1986 - 1992 - Charles Peck
1993 - 1996 - Gary Sweet
1997 - 2008 - Dugal Peck
2008 - 2012 - Patricia Sweetland
Graduates of Hungerford (Adams) Collegiate Institute 1870 - 1899
Class of 1870 -
Charles R. Babcock Emma Whitcomb Babcock (1849-1926)
Class of 1871 -
Austin Kent Hale (1850-1920)
Isaac L. Hunt, Jr. (1850-1939)
H.A. Merriam
H.R. Stafford
M.M. Williams
E.F. Whitcomb
Class of 1872 -
Frank D. Barbur (1852-1902)
J.S. Clark
Ella Coughlan Brown (1854-1913)
D.L. Davis
C.H. Dilley
Henry Merrill
Charles S. Millington (1855-1913)
Florence Peck
A.S. Potter
Miss Rasbach
K.T. Rhodes
I.M. Robinson
Mary Rounds
A.B. Stewart
Lizzie Stone
C. White
Class of 1873 -
Ella Bond
G.N. Budlong
Homer A. Cole
Jewett P. Cooper (d. 1922)
N.A. Dilley
Augstine Fernandez
Donoso Gastiasoro
Leveritt T. Hughson
Robert B. Hungerford (1857-1913)
Anna Kellogg
Charles B. Kennedy (1852-1939)
Vincent S. Lamb
J.r. Potter
DeForest F. Pruyne (1855-1885)
Lafayette E. Pruyne (1854-1929)
George W. Searles
G.P. Stone
Willam J. Walters
Carrie White
H.J. Witherstine
Class of 1874 -
Abby M. Bond (1855-1942)
Nellie L. Bradish
William D. Garlock
James B. Kenyon
Lucy S. Lamson
Carrie P. Overton
Fannie E. Potter
Gertie M. Potter (d. 1876)
Lizzie B. Rounds
Clara J. Schram
Ella M. Spicer
Henry C. White
Henry R. Williams
Class of 1875 -
Fred H. Angle
Mary C. Brown Ray (1856-1903)
Homer A. Cole (1856-1936)
David D. Demarest
Fred C. Eddy (1857-1928)
Stephen O. Edwards
Robert E. Gregg, Jr. (1852-1937)
Winfield s. Hall
Dayan A. Hill (1856-1926)
Mattie E. Jacobs
Julia M. Joslyn
Kattie Kennedy
Charles D. Larkins
Jefferson McCoy
Luther Mesick
Rufino Olivera
Arthur M. Park
William K. Potter
Clara Rasey Willard (d. 1923)
Mary C. Rees
Antonio Squrez
Carrie White
Class of 1876 -
William A. Aubrey
Lillie D. Bond Atwell (1857-1918)
Frank R. Bradt (1854-1919)
Talcott C. Dempsey
Ella M. Dwight
Charles A. Gordinier
Etta M. Grant
Ida L. Hawes
Roscoe N. Jackson (1856-1923)
Minnie E. Withington Jackson
Lucy A. Johnston
charles D. Larkins
D. Frank Lloyd
E. Gerry Miner
Mary M. Mitchell
Lucius W. Moody
Charles E. Rasey
Albert F. Saunders (1853-1920)
Thomas F. Saunders (1853-1909)
Nellie E. Stearne
Frank J. Thomas
Class of 1877 -
C.H. Browne
C.B. Conrad
John D. Hagan (d. 1920)
Leila A. Holley
F.T. Holmes
Jennie M. Rees
Sybella White Hungerford (1860-1895)
Class of 1878 -
Arthur P. Brown (1859-1896)
Alma A. Cromwell (1864-1886)
C.A. Donnelly
Linnie Emmons
Myra Everest
Mary Hawes Waite (1859-1946)
Homer H. Hitchcock (1857-1891)
Mattie Horth McCleathon
Fannie Hunt
Edward S. Hunt (1860-1948)
Walter Johnson
Jennie Lamson
Belle Lovelee King (1864-1930)
Jennie Lyons
Jennie McCue
Kittie Simpson
Alice C. Smith
M.L. Vail
C.F. Walters
Lillie Whipple
F.G. Williams
Hattie Woodward
W.H. Woodward
Class of 1879 -
Darwin S. Barrett
George Bullard
George L. Brown
Nora C. Carpenter
Charles A. Donnelly
Enos E. Eastman (1860-1944)
Nellie M. Eldridge
John B. Gove
Mary Ann Gregg (1858-1936)
Selah W. Hallenbeck
George D. Hamlin
Roswell H. King (1869-1934)
Jennie L. Lamson
Jay J. Makepeace
Ella L. Mull
Emma J. Redway (1858-1926)
Eri P. Rice
Clara F. Tucker VanDoren
J. Isaac VanDoren (1858-1940)
Charles M. Tyler (1851-1921)
Robert D. Wardwell (d. 1899)
Class of 1880 -
J. Alexander Adair
Susie Ayers
Darwin S. Barrett
Miss Bemis
Robert Boyd
Juan Brin
Ina M. Carter Peck
Florence E. Cooley
Carrie R. Fisher
Hannah Greene
Mattie Horth McClenthon
Dwight L. Hubbard
Enrique Kinney
Belle P. Lovelee King (1864-1930)
William T. Ormiston
Julia W. Snow
Carrie W. Stanley
Mamie C. Strong
Miss Strough
Eva Tarble
Belle Thomas
Cora Tomlinson
Nina vickery
Eva Watkins
Lillie R. Whipple
Class of 1881 -
Carrie E. Arms
Jennie Barney VanSlyke (1862-1955)
Elizabeth Bemis Eely (1864-1930)
Belle Bragdon
Willis A. Brundidge
Eliot E. Cheeseman
Richard Cummings
John M. Eastman (1864-1937)
Willard L. Fish (1864-1885)
Lettie Goss
Marian E. Griswold
Henry C. Grinnell
Frank S. Kenyon (1867-1919)
Fred Lane (1864-1930)
Fred H. Lovelee
Frank D. Lowe
George P. Manville (1863-1945)
Samuel L. Newton
Eben M. Ramsey
Lena Tomlinson
Nina Vickery
Class of 1882 -
Herry A. Allis
Darsin S. Barrett
Lena R. Bassett (1868-1883)
Elizabeth Bemis Eely (1864-1930)
George G. Brower
Fred W. Brown (1863-1927)
Chauncey E. Buell
Seward D. Burlingame
Charles K. Burdick
Elton E. Coon
Handley V. Foote
E. Willie Fox
Charles M. Farlinger
Mina Haydn
E.V. Irvine
Maggie B. Laird
Minnie E. Membrey
Frank W. Merrick
Mary M. Mitchell
Darwin P. Mitchell
Carroe P. Overton
J. Floyd Peck
Ora D. Shelmidine
Charles E. Spicer
Eva Tarbell
Cora Tomlinson
Edward J. Willis
Class of 1883 -
W. Gordon Bentley (1867-1932)
Wayne Fox
John D. Hagan
William D. Hartman
Fred R. Huntington (1865-1925)
Bryant Lawrence
Lawrence D. Norton
Kitty M. Pease
John G. Peck
Fred B. Pitcher (1867-1924)
Susie Quinn
Minnie K. Remington
William R. Roach (1862-1937)
Isaac L. Saunders
William R. Strickland (1864-1928)
Claude L. Tucker (1864-1919)
Fred B. Waite (d. 1941)
Herbert H. Waite (1864-1950)
Wilbur F. Walker
Will WArriner
Jesse Watkins Stillwell (1868-1934)
Eugene Whiting
Orlando Wilcox, Jr.
Class of 1884 -
Eaton A. Bishop (1867-1940)
Willis Blair, Jr. (d. 1913)
Arthur H. Burlingame (1862-1926)
Ina M. Carter Peck
Fred Chalmers
Leon L. Cornell (1865-1931)
Elena F. Edwards (1866-1928)
Mary E. Fuller
Franc J. Hagan
George B. Holmes
Henry C. King
Sherman S. Newton (1861-1958)
Helen Pierce Ripley (1864-1954)
Fred B. Pitcher
Lizzie Roach
Kate I. Schram
Vick J. Thomas
Jennie Tifft Dodge
Kittle A. Totman
Wilbur F. Walker
Eva M. Watkins
William E. Wood
Class of 1885 -
Belle Carter Hoyt (d. 1945)
Harriet Caulkins Moore (1868-1934)
Eva Coughlan
John M. Eastman (1864-1937)
Mary Fuller
Delia Hart (1866-1950)
Frank S. Kenyon (1867-1919)
Anna Lester
Frank McClary
Beatrice Muir
Frances R. Stanley (1866-1957)
Julia Thompson
Eva M. Watkins
Jesse M. Watkins (1868-1934)
Della F. Withington
Class of 1886 -
Nellie D. Abbott
George L. Arms (1869-1932)
Amanda Bishop Steele (1869-1944)
Emma Brown Pruyne (1865-1952)
Charles S. Brown (1866-1917)
Seward D. Burlingame
Libbie C. Crittenton
Melvin G. Dodge (1868-1952)
Angie B. Eastman
Nellie E. Fuller
Albion A. Hughes (1869-1921)
Stella Kellogg Frink (1868-1943)
Mary Kenyon Rhodes (1865-1952)
Jerome E. Lewis (1866-1937)
Julia A. Monroe (1864-1951)
Carlisle C. Nott (1867-1935)
Hugh S. Patrick (1868-1954)
Blanche Pruyne VanDoren (d. 1918)
M. Blanche Reed
Charles E. Ripley (1869-1947)
Marian VanVolkenburg Tousley
Frank G. Willis
Class of 1887 -
Flora E. Cooley (1868-1892)
Will A. Casler
Fred S. Daily (1868-1928)
Alice Woodward Daily
Nettie L. Dodge (1868-1913)
Howard D. Eveleigh (1868-1948)
Orange D. Greene, Jr. (1868-1938)
Ardelia Holley Greene (1869-1959)
Anna Gates Sill (1867-1950)
Albert M. Judd (1870-1953)
Benjamin Jackman
Thomas A. Kenyon
Nellie E. Lewis
Ellis S. McCumber (1864-1926)
Menzo D. McCumber
Grace A. Metcalf (1868-1891)
Dora L. Norton (1869-1946)
Amy M. Payne (1866-1905)
Myrtie D. Penney
Theresa E. Ralph
John S. Redway (1867-1947)
Jennie Raoch
Freelove Starring (d. 1890)
Lottie E. Tousley
Class of 1888 -
Belle Carter Hoyt (1867-1945)
Viola J. Campbell
Frank Chandler
Lillian Charters (1869-1953)
Grant W. Davis (1868-1933)
Harold S. Gates (1871-1954)
Bennie M. Greene
George B. Grimshaw (1868-1934)
Lincoln B. Irwin
Charles H. Kenyon (1870-1949)
Elta H. Miller
Stephen A. Moore (1868-1914)
Theresa E. Ralph
Raymond G. Smith
Beulah A. Spicer
Mary E. VanDoren
Walter N. VanDoren (d. 1946)
Gary M. Vroman
Birdia I. Wetmore
Class of 1889 -
Floyd H. Bassett
Charles J. Cady (1869-1946)
George H. Converse (1870-1944)
Gertrude A. Crittenton
Jennie J. Gardner
Grace L. Greene
Anna L. Hagan
Gertrude Haydn
Lucien G. Johnson
Florence Kellogg (1869-1952)
Jennie Munson Simpkins Brown (1868-1957)
Clarence L. Peaslee (1869-1935)
Lena Rich Warriner
Etta Stillman
Harold Tomlinson
Herbert C. Wodell (1870-1928)
Class of 1890 -
Clayton S. Cooper (1869-1936)
Jay S. Fox
Milton E. Gregg (1870-1933)
Rosa a. Griggs
Kate C. Hall
George Hart (1865-1894)
Lillian H. Lamson
Myrtie E. Rhodes
Mary Ripley Hughes
Bert S. Robbins (1873-1925)
Charles G. Wilcox
Class of 1891 -
Edwina H. Barney (1875-1912)
Statie E. Bemis (1873-1934)
Ora H. Cornwell
Clarence E. Cowles (d. 1932)
Viola A. Davis
Fred DeLaFleur (1870-1943)
Eugene Devendorf (1873-1897)
William S. Flint
Louis L. Gardner
Amelia M. Goss (1872-1953)
Florence A. Graves
Glenn S. Hall
Sheridan Hart (1874-1950)
Jesse Hawes Greene (1872-1938)
Benjamin M. Greene (1781-1946)
Ethel A. Haydn
Daniel B. Huson (1874-1950)
Frederick E. Isham (1873-1934)
Harriet L. Knapp (d. 1937)
Lillian H. Lamson
Carlton McCumber (1874-1912)
Fred B. Mitchell
Ada C. Myers (1872-1948)
Arthur J. Norton (1872-1951)
Beulah B. Pelsue
John B. Pitcher
Fred P. Smart
Nellie Strickland (1873-1963)
Musette Taylor Flint
Robert H. Waite (1872-1952)
Bertha W. Williams
Maggie L. Williams
Marcus Wolf
Nicholas Yost (1873-1915)
Class of 1892 -
Edwina Barney (1875-1912)
Hattie M. Brainard (1873-1906)
Bertha F. Bull
Carrie M. Comins
George R. Coughlin (1877-1951)
Clara A. Davis (1872-1928)
Fay S. Dean
Gilbert H. Fox (1876-1922)
Henry C. Glass (1873-1913)
Sheridan Hart (1874-1950)
Albert W. Hakes
Ethel A. Haydn
Jessie L. Ivory (1872-1922)
Bertha A. Kenyon
E. Bersie Lee (d. 1945)
Arthur B. Peaslee (d. 1904)
Ruth A. Redway
Ross C. Rich
Grace Stillman Huson (1874-1955)
Birdie B. Totman
Caddie Totman Kenyon
George B. VanDoren
Joseph C. VanDoren
Leon A. Williams
Class of 1893 -
Clara M. Bemis Williams
Statie E. Bemis (d. 1934)
Christie Brown Sias (1874-1922)
Hattie M. Brainard (1873-1906)
Walter M. Clark
George R. Coughlin (1877-1951)
Nellie J. Graves
Glenora Green Hill (1875-1953)
Theodore Haydn
Dewey H. Hurd (1876-1955)
Anna M. Larned
Clarence A. Larned (1870-1929)
Eva Lyman Burdick (1872-1953)
Holly W. Maxson (1875-1927)
Grace J. Owen
Lulu M. Pitkin
Alfred C. Prestice (1876-1949)
Harry W. Prentice (1874-1955)
Angie C. Russell
Archie C. Ryder (1873-1922)
Laura E. Thomas
Jessie Welch
Arthur B. Williams
Chester C. Williams
Class of 1894 -
Edward W. Clark (1877-1936)
Olin D. Eveleigh
Mabel E. Gardiner
Edith A. Gardiner
S. Freeman Graves
James M. Greene
Frank A.Heyl
Grant W. Humes
Dewey H. Hurd (1876-1955)
Manford M. Jenkins
Grance E. Kenyon
Norton J. Lamson (d. 1930)
Lucy Miller Parker (1876-1970)
Archie L. Ryder (1873-1922)
Hiram D. Tucker (1873-1942)
Chester C. Williams
Florence S. York
Class of 1895 -
Jennie Arnold Medsger (1876-1957)
Samuel F. Bates (1875-1946)
Jesse O. Brundidge
Harry W. Hannahs
Theodore Haydn
Fred L. Jones (1877-1947)
Alice C. Pickering
Maude J. Stafford
Laura E. Thomas
Arthur B. Williams
Class of 1896 -
Dora Allen Dodge (1879-1923)
Earl S. Augsburg
Earl A. Averill (1878-1951)
Bertha Waite Averill (1878-1970)
Lena Bailey Sullivan (1876-1955)
Menzo G. Clark (1876-1953)
E. Pearl Gero
Janie B. Greene
Hattie Grimshaw (1877-1934)
Laura Huson
Albert S. Penney
May L. Perkins
Edna M. Plumb (d. 1952)
Alice Ripley Fox (1876-1945)
Charles K. Stone (1878-1948)
Class of 1897 -
Ernest A. Barbur (1876-1943)
John C. Hayes
Laura Huson
Bert V. Lyman (1878-1948)
Albert Penney
Merritt F. Phillips
Martha Randall
Harley L. Whipple (1876-1946)
Class of 1898 -
Edna F. Allen (1880-1983)
Florence E. Coper (1875-1956)
Bess A. Landon
Giles L. Marsh
Clifton McCumber (1875-1943)
Murray C. Porter (1873-1936)
Martha E. Randall
Rufus W. Ripley (1879-1960)
William A. Roach (1877-1905)
Class of 1899 -
Effie M. Enos
Marguerite Hart
John A. Whiting
Elsie A. Fox (1881-1934)
Sara E. Gardner
Fred A. Grant
Maude B. McCumber
Mabel R. Seaton
Arthur C. Parker
Albert F. Saunders (1876-1945)
Herbert C. Wodell (1870-1928)
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