Businesses of Mannsville 1866-67
(from the Jefferson County Business Directory for 1866-67)
Billard Room - Cyrus Gardner
Blacksmiths - William H. Cook, Levi Johnson, Zara VanWormer
Book Store - David Wheeler
Boot & Shoe Shops - William Baldwin, Jonathan Jackson, David D. Kromer
Brass Band - Mannsville Saxhorn Band, Willbur Williams, leader
Butchers - Theodore D. Jacobs, Gardner Millard
Butter & Produce - Melvin J. Earl, Allen M. Wardwell
Cartman - Thomas R. Wells
Carpenters - Jonathan D. Finster, Francis L. Williams, James Wheeler
Carriagemakers - Lucas & Dumon (George R. Lucas & Benjamin A. Dumon), Willard Vernum
Cheese Factory - Shepard & Grenell (Thomas A. Shepard & Ezra O. Grenell)
Clergymen - Rev. E.G. Blunt (Baptist), Rev. Ward W. Hunt (Meth.), Rev. Charles Jones (Cong.)
Clothing Store - Jonathan W. Merrill
Constable - Luke Wells
Cooper - Edwin A. Kirkland
Dentist - Fayette Maynard
Dressmakers - Cordelia Church, Elizabeth Williams
Druggist - Asher M. Gurley
Express Agent - Allen M. Wardwell
Furniture Dealer - Edwin Lester
General Merchants - Melvin J. Earl, P.P. Martin & (Philip & Leonard Martin), Henry W. Shepard
Gristmill - Howe & Brown (Elias B. Howe & Joseph E. Brown)
Hardware Store - John Hughs Jr.
Harnessmaker - Kincade A. Huson
Hotel - Jefferson Hotel, Eli C. James
Insurance Agents - Fayette Maynard, Reuben R. Tousley
Jewelry & Watches - Henry Taylor, Jonathan E. Wheeler
Justice of the Peace - Augustus L. Baker
Lawyers - Reuben R. Tousley, Andrew A. Wheeler
Livery Stable - Eli C. James
Masons - Henry Eely, Edwin Hull
Millinery - Martha Earl, Elizabeth Williams, Mrs. Henry Woodward
Millwright - Samuel Nichols
Odd Fellows - Mannsville Lodge No. 469
Photographer - A.E. Baron
Physicians - Oliver H. Blandin, Roswell Kinney, Jonathan N. Lyman
Postmaster - Leonard A. Martin
Railroad Agent - Allen M. Wardwell
Sawmills - Jonathan D Finster
Select School - L.B. Woodward
Sewing Machines - Samuel C. Stearns
Surveyor - Augustus L. Baker
Tannery - William Baldwin
Telegraph Operator - Jonathan J. Hinman
Tinsmith - Jonathan Hughs, Jr.
Undertaker - Edwin Lester
Variety Store - Sabin Baker
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