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Historical Association of South Jefferson

Pierrepont Manor

1) Brief History
2) Rev. War Veterans buried in Pierrepont Manor
3) Businesses in Pierrepont Manor in 1866-7
4) Initial Run of the Rome & Watertown Railroad 5/28/1851

    Pierrepont Manor, originally called Bear Creek, is a hamlet located in the eastern part of the town of Ellisburg on Bear Creek, a short distance north of Mannsville and three miles east of Ellisburg. The present name was adopted in 1843 in honor of land agent William C. Pierrepont.
    The first settlers came in March 1805. They were Joseph Allen, Pardon Earl and Arnold Earl. They came from Galway, NY by way of Redfield and Adams and then worked their way through the dense forest to Bear Creek. Joseph Allen had purchased 240 acres at $3. per acre in the fall of 1804. They were soon followed by William Case, William Tabor and William Lewis.

Revolutionary War Veterans buried at
Pierrepont Manor Cemetery -
Joseph Allen (11/14/1756 - 9/23/18380
Lemuel Tabor (dates unknown)
Caleb Tifft (5/10/1760 - 5/2/1843)
Thomas Worden (6/26/1759 - 11/5/1854)
Wardwell Settlement Cemetery -
David I. Andrus (1766 - 8/21/1831)
John DeCastorer (1748 - 1835)
Samuel Eaton (8/28/1755 - 7/19/1838)
David Holley (1/17/1751 - 5/14/1835)

Businesses in Pierrepont Manor in 1866-67
(from the Jefferson County Business Directory for 1866-67)
Ax-Helve Manufacturer - A. Gurley
Blacksmith - Elihu Allen, Lorenzo D. James
Boot & Shoe Shops - Thomas Neville, David Sturtevant, William Brownlow
Butcher - Preston L. Williams
Butter & Produce - O.D. Allen, Caleb Bailey, O.S. Potter, J. Bateman, Numan T. Holley, Arnold G. Earl,
     J.E. Allen
Cooper - Henry Bailey
Clergyman - Rev. W.H. Lord, Epis'l
Constable - George N. Potter
Dressmakers - Elizabeth Williams, Electa Williams, Ellen W. Pease
Express Agent - Henry A. Hatch
Furniture Dealer - Henry D. Winne
General Merchant - Charles F. Calkins
Groceries - Harvey Allen
Harnessmaker - Orestes Woodard
Hotel - Pierrepont Manor Hotel, W.J. Hancock
Justice of the Peace - John Allen
Livery - W.J. Hancock
Livestock Dealer - N.T. Holley, John F. Robinson, J.B. Allen, A.G. Earl, O.D. Allen, C. Bailey
Millinery - Elizabeth Williams
Physicians - D.D. Joslin, R. Dixie
Postmaster - Harvey Allen
Railroad - William C. Pierrepont, President, R.W. & O Railroad
     Agent - Henry A. Hatch
Sawmill - David Fuller
Telegraph Operator - Henry A. Hatch

The Initial run of the Rome and Watertown Railroad
May 29, 1851
    On May 29, 1851 the Rome and Watertown Railroad was officially opened with the initial run from Rome to Pierrepont Manor, a distance of 53 miles. The road was commenced in 1849, the Hon. Orville Hungerford of Watertown, President. Upon his decease the Hon. William C. Pierrepont was elected president. The Railroad Superintendent was Robert B. Doxtater of Adams. Under their guidance the road had steadily and vigorously continued to advance to completion.
     From Rome to the extreme terminus of the road, Cape Vincent, is 96 miles, running through a thickly settled country, which was quite productive, and embracing a population of some 120,000. From Rome to Pierrepont Manor, the present terminus, is 53 miles. The road ran 26 1/2 miles through Oneida County, 22 through the eastern part of Oswego County, and about 5 or 6 into Jefferson County. The continuation carried it about 43 miles, and formed a connnecting link between the great commercial emproium of New York State, and the dominions of the Queen, thus bringing the 700,000 inhabitants of Canada West, into the desirable business and social connection with the states.
     The intention of the directors was that about the time the road was completed to Watertown, which was near the end of August, the further portion to Cape Vincent would also be finished. To promote the completion at the Cape Vincent end, 3000 tons of iron were delivered at Quebec, Chaumont Bay and Sacket's Harbor at $40. per ton.
    The present Board of Directors are:
William C. Pierrepont of Pierrepont Manor, President
Clark Rice, Norris Woodruff, S. Buckley, O.V. Brainard, Daniel Lee, Watertown
William Lord, Brownville
Robert B. Doxtater, Calvert Comstock, Rome
John C. Cooper, Adams
Horace Dunbar, Camden
S. Bartlett, Cape Vincent
B.R. Wood, Albany
     Calvert Comstock, Esq., of Rome, in behalf of the Board of Directors and by request, made the following statements and remarks in relation to the condition and prosperity of the road: In behalf of the Company, in relation to whose operations you desire to hear. I thank you and our friends assembled for the complimentary appreciation you manifest, of the importance of the enterprise. After a long struggle in endeavoring to construct a highway through a section of the country not well known, after arduous labors in projecting, defending and carrying forward an enterprise so extensive, it is gratifying, as the termination approaches, to be cheered by the approbation of so intelligent a representation as I see before me. I do not speak of myself, a later laborer in the field. There are those, and there are those present, who, through many years, with an intelligence, an enterprise, and a zeal in advance of their contemporaries, pushed forward this work, and today, as we are triumphantly entering on the realization of our ardent expectations and hopes, as the predictions of past years are about to be verified, shall we not express a wish that it had suited the designs of Divine Providence to spare a little longer the leader in this noble enterprise? How would he have rejoiced as he mingled with you in these grounds? How would he have congratulated his fellow citizens on the fruits of his labors? But like Moses, he was not permitted to reap the reward, almost within his grasp. Like Clinton, as the father of a great and valuable public improvement, he has erected a monument to the name and fame of Orville Hungerford that will last long after he has passed away.
    You, with us, miss on this occasion the face of another tried friend of enterprise, one generous in impulse, steadfast in purpose and abiding in friendship, and unite with us in deploring the loss of Col. Kirby. His friends here will mingle their tears for his death with those of his friends in the State, and I may add, in the Nation at large.
    Mr. Chairman, I may say with certainty of being believed, that this road will occupy an important position among the enterprises of the present day.
     It forms a connection between the Erie Canal and the line of the Central Railroad, thro' Oneida, the eastern part of Oswego, and the heart of Jefferson Counties, and the waters of the St. Lawrence and the lakes. It opens to a direct and valuable market the secluded lumber regions of Oneida and Jefferson. It forms the great and only thoroughfare for the travel and freight of Jefferson County, with its magnificent water power, its population of 80,000, and its numerous and flourishing villages. At all times, and especially in the winter, when the St. Lawrence is closed with its locks of ice, it will form an important link between Canada and the Commercial Emporium.
     As you are aware, the road is now completed to this point, 53 miles - it two months more we shall reach Watertown, and in the course of the ensuing autumn our locomotives will reach the banks of the St. Lawrence and exchange salutations with the steamers on that noble river. May you and I be there to witness that wished for consummation.
     I am authorized to say on the part of the Directors, that the entire cost of the road, 97 miles, with full equipments, will not exceed one and a half million - if anything, it will fall somewhat short of this amount.
     There are one or two other considerations to which I will allude here. From this station, it is proposed by the enterprising citizens of Sackets Harbor, to construct a branch road connecting us with that importnat port, a distance of 17 miles, thus connecting Lake Ontario by the shortest route, and at the point of its best harbor with the eastern cities. Measures are also being taken to construct another from Richland or Williamstown to Oswego, forming there, too, a shorter railroad connection with the lake than now exists. Thus the northern termini of the road will rest like a tripod on the St. Lawrence and the Lakes.
     I can say with sincerity, that the business and receipts of the road, as yet only in partial operation, terminating in the woods, exceed the anticipation of its warmest and most sanguine friends. Who that is familiar with the enterprise, wealth, rapid increase and other elements which support the commerce of Canada and the St. Lawrence, but can see that the time is not far distant when this road shall be first in importance and first in profit.

Copyright 2003, 2004 by the Historical Association of South Jefferson. All rights reserved.