Businesses in the Village of Henderson in 1866-67.
(from the Jefferson County Business Directory for 1866-67)
Boots & Shoe Shops - E.O. Kilby, W.W. Gleason
Blacksmiths - Allen Kilby, Samuel Peters, Levi Halladay
Butcher - B.C. Seaton
Carpenters - A.F. Lawrence, J.W. Barnes, A.G. Lawrence
Carriagemakers - E.Brown, H.T. Halladay
Cheesebox Maker - Valentine Parker
Cheese Factory - Elmon Tyler
Clergyman - Rev. G.A. Dougherty, Baptist
Collector of Customs - M. Wilkinson
Constables - B.C. Seaton, H. Brodie, Albert Haskins, W. Young
Cooper - D.H. Cole
Dressmakers - Mrs. M.E. Eggleston, Celia Boomer
Furniture Dealers - Bates & Sawyer (H.P. Bates & C.F. Sawyer)
General Merchants - J.M. White & Co. (J.M. White, G. Mixer & A.J. Armstrong),
L.B. Simmons
Groceries - Sprague Brothers (F.A. & C.H. Sprague)
Harnessmaker - E.O. Kilby
Hotel - Exchange Hotel, W.A. Halladay; Burnham's Hotel, Wm. Burnham
Lawyers - A.A. Davis, H.P. Bates
Machinist - J.H. VanWinckel
Postmaster - L.B. Simmons
Saloon - Benjamin Fuller
Sawmills - V. Parker, S.H. Weeks
Supervisor - William Dobson
Surveyor - H.W. Davis
Telegraph Operator - W.W. Gleason
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