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Historical Association of South Jefferson


Title of Article (section located):
Adams, NY - A Brief Decription of the Village in 1874 (Town of Adams - Village of Adams)
Adams, Brief History of the Town (Town of Adams)
Adams Center School, History of (Town of Adams - Adams Center)
Barber-Weser Cem. (Town of Ellisburg)
Battle of Big Sandy Creek (Town of Ellisburg)
Bishop Cem. (Town of Henderson)
Brodie Cem. (Town of Henderson)
Business Firms - Adams 1882 (Town of Adams - Village of Adams)
Business Directory 1886-67:
     Adams Center (Town of Adams - Adams Center)
     Belleville (Town of Ellisburg - Belleville)
     East Rodman (Town of Rodman - East Rodman)
     Ellisburg (Town of Ellisburg - Ellis Village)
     Henderson (Town of Henderson - Village of Henderson)
     Lorraine (Town of Lorraine)
     Mannsville (Town of Ellisburg - Mannsville)
     Pierrepont Manor (Town of Ellisburg - Pierrepont Manor)
     Rodman (Town of Rodman - Village of Rodman)
     Smithville (Town of Ellisburg - Smithville)
     Unionville (Town of Rodman - Unionville)
     Woodville (Town of Ellisburg - Woodville)
Civil War Honor Roll (The Sixtowns)
Crandall-Hill Cem. (Town of Rodman)
Ellisburg, Formaton & Early Settlement (Town of Ellisburg)
Fishing on Gallou & Stony Islands (Gallou & Stony Island)
Gallea Cem. (Town of Ellisburg)
Gardner Cem. (Town of Lorraine)
Graduates of Hungerford (Adams) Collegiate Institute (Village of Adams)
Haights Corners Cem. (Town of Lorraine)
Henderson, Brief History (Town of Henderson)
Lorraine, Brief History (Town of Lorraine)
Patrick Cemetery (Town of Adams)
Rev. War Veterans buried at:
     Bishop Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Bishop Street Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Brewster Settlement Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Mannsville)
     Butterville Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Carpenter Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Clark Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Crandall-Hill Cem. (Town of Rodman)
     East Rodman Cem. (Town of Rodman)
     Ellisburg Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Ellis Village)
     Elmwood Cem. (Town of Adams - Village of Adams)
     Evergreen Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Fairview Cem. (Town of Rodman)
     Gould Cem. (Town of Lorraine)
     Gulf Stream (Town of Rodman)
     Hungerford Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Lakeside Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Belleville)
     Lyman Cem. (Town of Lorraine)
     Maplewood Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Mannsville)
     Old Belleville Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Belleville)
     Pierrepont Manor Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Pierrepont Manor)
     Rising Cem. (Town of Worth)
     Rural Cem. (Town of Adams - Village of Adams)
     Rural Cem. (Town of Lorraine)
     Saxe Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Ellis Village)
     Smithville Cem. (Town of Henderson)
     Stears Corners Cem. (Town of Worth)
     Union Cem. (Town of Adams - Adams Center)
     Woodside Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Belleville)
     Woodville Cem. (Town of Ellisburg - Woodville)
     Worthville Cem. (Town of Worth)
Rising Cem. (Town of Worth)
Rodman, Brief History (Town of Rodman)
Rome & Watertown Railroad, Initial Run (Town of Ellisburg - Pierrepont Manor)
Ross Corners Cem. (Town of Rodman)
Saxe Cemetery (Town of Ellisburg - Ellis Village)
Stears Corners Cem. (Town of Worth)
Village Presidents & Mayors (Town of Adams - Village of Adams)
War of 1812 in Jefferson County & Lake Ontario (The Sixtowns)
Watertown Disaster of 5/8/1915 (The Sixtowns)
Winona CCC Camp, Accomplishments & Record (Town of Lorraine)
Worth, Brief History (Town of Worth)

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Historical Association of South Jefferson