Historical Association of South Jefferson
Town of Worth
1. Brief History
2. Revolutionary Veterans buried in the Town of Worth
3. Business Directory 1866-67
4) Rising Cemetery
5) Stears Corners Cemetery
The Town of Worth was formed from Lorraine on April 12, 1848. It is located in the southeastern corner of
Jefferson County, and is bounded on the north by Rodman and Pickney, on the east by the Lewis County town of Montague, on
the south by the Oswego County town of Redfield, and on the west by Lorraine. The surface of the town is very elevated and
the altitude is greater than any other part of the county.
The first settlers, Asaph Case and Leonard Bullock, came to Worth in the fall of 1802. They were soon followed
by Eli Gillette. Leonard Bullock's first house was built entirely of logs, without floor, door or windows. The roof was made
of hollow basswood logs, split, and laid so that every other one formed a trough to carry away the water. A blanket hung up
served as a door, and the earth, smoothed down and covered with leaves, served for a floor. This way Mr. Bullock, wife and
10 children spent the first winter.
In the spring of 1803 Joseph Wilcox settled in the town, followed by Warren Flower, Lodowick Edwards, John
Griswold, Ezekiel Cheever, Phineas Rose, Joel Caulkins, Abram Ford, Nathan Mattoon, Asa Sweet, John Pinear, Phinease Stevens,
Elijah Richmond, David Richmond, John Sagas, William Sagas, John Houghtaling.
Principal Communities were: Worthville, Worth Center, and Diamond.
Revolutionary War Veterans buried in the town of Worth:
Rising Cemetery - Joseph Wilcox
Stears Corners Cemetery - Joel Caulkins (1/27/1760-2/7/1848)
Worthville Cemetery - Levi Smith (5/22/1755-9/4/1848)
Businesses in the Town of Worth in 1866-67
(From the Jefferson County Business Directory for 1866-67)
Population of the entire town - 611
Blacksmiths - Albert Harrington, Francis D. Frederick
Boot & Shoe Shop - Alex LaClair
Carriagemaker - David H. Atkins
Carpenter - Charles E. Vallier
Clergyman - Alex LaClair, Methodist
Collector of Taxes - Stephen A. Grimshaw
Constables - Stephen A. Grimshaw, Horace Streeter, Leonard Bullock
Cooper - Alfred W. Tiffany
General Merchant - Albert S. Gillett
Gristmill - Solomon W. Kellogg
Hotel - Horace Streeter
Justice of the Peace - Henry Hitchcock, Carlton C. Moore, Solomon B. Stears, Gordon C. Tabor
Land Agent - Albert S. Gillett
Mason - Isaac Sloan
Planing Mill - Abel Case
Postmaster - Albert S. Gillett
Sawmills - Abel Case, Solomon W. Kellogg, Jonathan M. Ackley, Edward Cornell, Levi G. Potter
Supervisor - Carlton C. Moore
Town Clerk - Henry Hitchcock
Rising Cemetery, Worth, NY - located on Loomis Road, about one half mile east of
County Route 189 (inactive)
- Kellogg, Sarah - d. 5/4/1844 22y, wife of Harry Kellogg
- Rising, Abner - d. 7/6/1825 16y
- Wilcox, Charles Delos - d. 6/12/1829 8m20d, son of Sterling Wilcox
- Wilcox, Gilbert - d. 2/4/1850 12y, son of Sterling Wilcox
- Wilcox, Joseph - d. 12/30/1849 88y, War of 1812 vet.
- Wilcox, Hannah (Banning) - d. 1841 76y, wife of Joseph
Stears Corners Cemetery, Worth, NY - located midway between Stears Corners and
Fredericks Corners on County Route 95 (inactive)
- Caulkins, Joel - d. 7/7/1848 88y, Rev. War vet.
- Caulkins, Bethia (Barrass) - d. 1/27/1835 70y, wife of Joel
- Lyon, Dorastus - d. 4/4/1844 37y
- Mattoon, Nathan Sr. - d. 7/4/1845 78y
- Mattoon, Hannah (Chase) - d. 8/25/1851 62y, wife of Nathan Sr.
- Mattoon, Nathan Jr. - d. 1/18/1865 43y, Civil War

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